Monday, December 7, 2009

Save Yours! Save Earth!

There is an innovation have made today. A new way for you those heavy smokers who care about your health and also care about the environment impact. Stop smoking is the best choice to avoid those all serious problems. But I know that stop smoking is never easy, it is difficult to do that. It is very difficult in fact.

But, don’t you worry, because now there is a new way to stop smoking but you are still smokers! With Electronic Cigarettes, you can start new way to being healthy, and keep the environment well. Without prejudice to flavor cigarette, Electronic Cigarettes contains no tar and there’s no 4000 harmful chemicals which contain your body. Also this Electronic Cigarettes would not make the bad smell of cigarette smoke. Because this is just a steam, and you can used anywhere. You can use this cigarette in air-conditioned places and in places you would normally have banned sign on smoking. And also this will not harm other people as passive smokers.
This Electronic Cigarettes is a new way to stop the negative effect from cigarettes. This is also suitable to used in China, India or Indonesia which those are top three based on WHO (World Health Organization) list of 10 countries world's largest smokers in 2008. This Electronic Cigarettes also have many benefits. One of the benefit is you will save a money over 75% from regular cigarettes. So this is also the best way for some countries to solve the poverty problem. As you know, in Indonesia, smokers from poorer economies Indonesia have spent about 15% on cigarettes from their income cost in a month. Smokers from poorer economies in Bangladesh spend 10 times more than the cost of their child's education. And also in Mexico, about 20% of poor Mexicans spend 11% income on cigarettes (data from WHO 2008). This is very concerning condition. They are willing to spent their money just for dangerous condition, even death their bets. So, if you really love your body, your family, caring about environmental impact but still, can not stop smoking, so why just don’t you switching the way you are smoking to the good one? Choose Electronic Cigarettes, it will safe your life, our children, our world!

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